
Showing posts from June, 2018

Agenda and brief notes from 15 June DIoT cluster meeting

We started by going over the capabilities matrix and talking about some current projects. Then, Chandan talked about the iot festival. Agenda: 1. Morshed, Chandan, Mohamed, and Lei + others who attended – perhaps you could give us a run-down of what happened? Any highlights/updates from the IoT world out there Further funding opportunities: a. Alibaba research funding sources now accepting proposals: USD50K-100K for a one-year project, dateline 1 st of July, multiple proposals from the same institution can be funded, there is an IoT edge computing topic mentioned - click on Research Area tab and then IoT, and download the description from: (past projects here: ) (there are also topics in ML) (maybe we could all write a proposal each? J Or try to write/lead a proposal if you have an idea (e.g., it could be an extension of y